Friday, August 27

Museum of Modern Art photo friday

Here's what inspired me;  three artists that impacted me at pivotal times in my life + studies. 
Very happy to see Brancusi on my MOMA visit.

interesting mirror frames on Frida
(It's a travesty I still haven't seen the movie they did about her.)
Fur Cup! Possibly what sparked my interest in Art History in my tween years

As you can see, museums are much more 
than a fun diversion for me.
For me, seeing some of this stuff might be 
similar to when people meet celebrities. 
I was very happy.

Tuesday, August 24

sneak peek before the show

 This will be in the 1st Thursday show @ OMA along with the two other totes. 
I painted it. 
I was sitting outside the very trendy Stardust in Orlando, when I first doodled this. 
The totes are made of recycled canvas. I can make more of these. It was fun! I might make myself one at some point. 

Wednesday, August 11

belated update -- a rare wednesday treat

Some out-the-hotel-window photography
in New York City
became the story of the man in blu on the roof.

(blu man, we are not so different)

I will certainly have some (still-to-be-determined) content (photos ?) friday.
Have a great day!

Monday, August 9

must-have-monday no. 2

Fantastic! Easy Must-Have-Monday today!

I saw it. I wanted it. The very essence of Must-Have. What more is there?




Check out the designer, Michiel Schuuran’s website for more.


Friday, August 6

photo friday no. 3


Today I am sharing a little still life photo I took some time ago.


I like the combination of elements, shapes created by the negative space, etc. 

Friday, July 30

Tuesday, July 27

find something to motivate you

This is a space for inspiration.
The original idea today was to talk about my efforts on Etsy and my thoughts on starting out + forming a cohesive line.

But really my designs are about botanicals. And a large part of my inspiration comes from nature. 

Art and originality are synonymous for many people.

Even without reviewing Dutch vanitas, impressionist paintings, or the works of Georgia O’Keefe it isn’t much of a surprise: Nature (in my opinion), is the original muse!

For a time I was a bit of a closet horticultural nerd. After all, who isn't inspired by nature? Where’s the originality in that? 

Still, I can't help it. I love, love, love plants! I adore the studied illustrations from the 18th + 19th centuries. I marvel at all manner textiles from the grandiose woven tapestries in the Musee du Louvre to the mod prints at Marimekko -- and objects d'arte or even the simple vintage tea cup; so many of these infused with the beauty of nature!

Anything can motivate. 
I happen to turn to botanicals.
Here’s what I’ve done with my inspiration on a small scale.



You can find something to motivate you too.
 And don’t over think it like I do, just enjoy it!

Friday, July 23

photo friday

Ice burgs on Lake Michigan February 2010

It's such a hot hot summer everywhere, I thought we could use some cool. 

I hope this inspires + refreshes you.

Thursday, July 22

sneak peak at the next project

Photo: Art+Science BFF for upcoming project
another 'doodle,' O Pop part of art-education event

In last night's post I displayed one of my 'doodles' and stated I would be recreating it soon. 

I failed to display the other two images. The three will be re-created as original pieces each on a tote bag I will be donating --for an event  promoting art in Orlando-area elementary schools. 
The event is UCF Art Alumni Society's art supply drive: Knightro's Creative Kits

I can't seem to get away from these art-supply drives. I was involved in Seed's this past spring. It's safe to say; art education is a big deal for me.
I believe art is a positive force to be reckoned with: it changes the world and shapes minds.

But I am still curious as to people's feelings on art stylization. (See my last post.) I have my own methods but I do want to know what people walk away with when they see certain things.

Wednesday, July 21

doodle day - inspiration and curiosities

This sketch was inspired wandering around Fresno CA this past spring.  It is a simple study, but I've been given a chance to recreate it for an upcoming project. It has me thinking. . .

. . .what is more dynamic to viewers; the glossy/graphic design style (lots more @ 
Or the sketchy style of a study? 
Or maybe something else, equally compelling?

(Of course this is highly subjective, but I always love to hear how people feel about art!)
I see purpose & value in both, but I wonder how other people feel about these styles?  And most importantly why it has a specific resonance.

That's my doodle for the day! 

Sunday, June 20

happy father's day

Here's the card I made for my dad this year. 

It was a fun, fluid piece to make.
 I love when the medium tells me what to do. In this case, it pushed me past making an 'Hallmark'-esk card which was my springboard at first (and I don't think I would have been as happy with).
I also like that my surroundings seep into what I make without my prior consent. (I was listening to synth-pop, can you tell?)
Have a good Father's Day all you online fathers! 
Don't forget to visit my dad over at

Tuesday, June 15


I've been playing with the layout here. I love the new options!
Down to business.

Duncan has a heart murmur. I am  was a bit anxious today. (I did some research on echocardiography, so now I know what to expect). I will be taking him in to see a cardiologist. He has no idea. He won't be very happy.

What no art update? Well nothing to show ahora, right NOW . . . but I am working on it. That and a personal project for a friend. Hang in there, I will try to make it worth your while!

Lastly, I know you are out there, my few readers. And it thrills me! I started doing this blog with an uncertainty that it might ever be stumbled upon in the inter-void. I think it is natural when starting something new to occasionally be a bit discouraged (as was the case for me: "ho-hum, no one wants to read that anyway. . ." etc). 
It is so pointless to get discouraged! Humanity would never have gotten out of bed in the first place if we balked at every discouragement. 
Losing confidence seems like losing your keys; you need to retrace your steps and find where you last felt confident and inspired. I urge you to fight your own self-doubts; you have everything to gain!

 Thank you readers, for visiting my little blog -- I hope you have a fantastic day!

= Duncan! Wish him luck!!

Friday, May 28

eats + Green Gables inspiration

Recently a friend hosted an Anne of Green Gables party. Inspired by the era and the youthfulness of the novel's main character I dressed accordingly.

Confession: in my twenty-seven years I have been avoiding the consumption of raspberries. (The thinking being that I am disappointed when I bite into chocolate-anything and find raspberry flavors instead. So why would I want to eat that on it's own?) The featured beverage this night was raspberry cordial. I politely drank three goblets full. New fave drink!

The party hostess could be a professional chief in her own right if she so desired. The combination of her culinary mastery and the flavor of home made rosemary bread inspired this kitchen-shyster to enter her own and create

the rosemary infused hybrid soufflĂ©-quiche. Fantastique!

Thursday, April 22


I have repeatedly attempted  blogging over the last several years. Each time I quickly run out of steam. This is my re-attempt.
Photo taken on a day of exploration in Fresno, CA
(I wish I knew what wild blossom this is.)

"...judging art is the least popular goal among American art critics, and simply describing art is most popular: it is an amazing reversal, as astonishing as if physicists had declared they would no longer try to understand the universe, but just appreciate it." -- Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?

Creative Commons License
This work by Rosalina Angelou Zindler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.