Tuesday, August 24

sneak peek before the show

 This will be in the 1st Thursday show @ OMA along with the two other totes. 
I painted it. 
I was sitting outside the very trendy Stardust in Orlando, when I first doodled this. 
The totes are made of recycled canvas. I can make more of these. It was fun! I might make myself one at some point. 


  1. Love it!! Rosie, I didn't know you illustrated children's book! Want to collaborate???

  2. Thank you + absolutely! I love kids books!


"...judging art is the least popular goal among American art critics, and simply describing art is most popular: it is an amazing reversal, as astonishing as if physicists had declared they would no longer try to understand the universe, but just appreciate it." -- Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?

Creative Commons License
This work by Rosalina Angelou Zindler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.