Friday, October 30

Momiji Art Doll Contest

I’m happy to share the project I’ve been working on for awhile now: Little Sister!

I got very excited about Artforum’s “Momiji Couture Competition,” -- I love Momiji!

—so I got to work on a design right away. I knew I couldn’t get attached to whatever the resulting piece became because she had a mission: win the competition.

Knowing I had to send her away soon I decided we could go out and play for a little bit first – a perfect way to make a nice memory and say goodbye.

I had found her a perfect sized box, but even though I’d prepared to send her off. I had imagined her travels and the joy of opening the box to see her for the 1st time. . . even though I comforted myself thinking of how she would surely win and I’d see her again (in a gallery) I couldn’t let her go. I had been so excited about the competition that I believed the disappointment of not “going for it” would out-weigh the sentimentality I might feel and that sentimentality would be all I felt. 

Looking back I can now say it's not so! Little Sister is the potential -- a beginning of new art for me. Of course she had to stay! Still, I’m happy Momiji started the competition and that I used that surge of energy to create something exciting.
Can’t wait to see what comes next!
(Techniques I used include plant dyes, machine and hand embroidery.)

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"...judging art is the least popular goal among American art critics, and simply describing art is most popular: it is an amazing reversal, as astonishing as if physicists had declared they would no longer try to understand the universe, but just appreciate it." -- Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?

Creative Commons License
This work by Rosalina Angelou Zindler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.