Thursday, September 24

Get Started

So I had been a preschool teacher and I liked that okay for a time. But I started to get restless and making art in the fringes of my life wasn’t enough anymore. . . I’ve been waiting to get started for a long time. But my interests are so varied that I have to be kind of general whenever I try to describe myself as an artist. Best I can come up with is the aspiring and “up-and-coming” type of adjectives. That and Environmental Artist. (But of course that’s just one facet and not the whole. x_x) Anyway. Enough about that. Here’s some stuff.
I made this card a few weeks ago with a Grandmother in mind. It's just simple cut work with a razor. I liked building the bridges. Paper is super fun.

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"...judging art is the least popular goal among American art critics, and simply describing art is most popular: it is an amazing reversal, as astonishing as if physicists had declared they would no longer try to understand the universe, but just appreciate it." -- Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?

Creative Commons License
This work by Rosalina Angelou Zindler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.